User roles define the permission levels for a user in that role when using the application. On the roles settings page, you can create new roles, edit or delete existing ones.
A user role grants very specific permissions for a particular resource in the dashboard, ensuring exactly how much access or power a team member will have.
Roles are for team members only. Client/user roles are predefined in projects and cannot be modified at this time.
Once you have created a user role, you will be able to specify this role when creating or editing team members' profiles.
There are 4 permission levels that a role can grant on a particular resource:
1. None – This user will have no access to the resource. They will not see the resource and if the resource has a menu like (like Projects), then that menu link will also be hidden from the user.
2. View – The user will only be able to view the resource. They will not be able to make any changes to it.
3. View + Add + Edit – The user will be able to view and make changes to the resource. The user will also be able to delete the resource.
4. View + Add + Edit + Delete The user will have the same permissions as (3) above. Additionally, they will also be able to delete the resource.
IMPORTANT: Role permissions by default, only apply to a resource that a user has been assigned to or a resource that the user has created themselves. If you want the role to grant permissions to all resources of that type, you must click on the Global option.