The lead web forms feature allows you to create forms for capturing new leads. The feature comes with an easy-to-use form builder.
Once you have finished creating your form, you will be able to embed the form in your existing website.
Each form will also have a direct link which you use, without needing to embed it.
Create Your Form
The first thing you will need to do is to create your web form.
Use the form builder to create your leads form (as shown below)
Get The Embed Code
Once you have created your form, you can now copy the embed code. This is the code that you can add to any page on your main website.
A CMS like WordPress allows you to add this embed code to a web page.
Please refer to the particular CMS that you are using on your website on how to use the embed code.
You can use the embed code (1) as shown in the image above but you can also use the direct like (2)
When you prospective customers fill in this form, a new lead will automatically be created inside the CRM.